We asked some experts "What are easy or effective ways to add sustainable practices to outdoor work?"
Kimberly M. Miller, Principal Planner for Resilience at Halff Associates, had this to say to our question....
"Wise use of resources is key to sustainability in outdoor work. An excess of fertilizer and pesticides can create runoff that affects water quality and aquatic life both in the immediate area and miles downstream. Whenever possible, you can also enhance sustainability by using biodegradable materials that minimize waste and cleaning up all unused debris after a project is due. Finally, creating sustainable conditions to protect human health protects those providing the labor from excessive heat, dehydration and natural hazards."
Joel Northrup // CEO at Deep Lawn - https://www.deeplawn.com/
Connor Zielinski, ASIC // President of Irri Design Studio - https://www.irridesignstudio.com/
Jillian (Jordan) McFarland // Author and Host at The Forest We Build - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jilljordan/#experience
James Ciamillo // Co-Owner of Landscape Pros - https://landscapeprosfl.com/
Allison Messner // Co-Founder & CEO at Yardzen - https://yardzen.com/
Billy Otteman // Director of Marketing at Scythe Robotics - https://www.scytherobotics.com/
Read the entire article to see the other's answers here: https://issuu.com/eljays44/docs/pl_usa_march_april_2022/10
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