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Latest Products: Fertilizers

Get Healthier, Stronger Lawns With These Four Effective Fertilizers 

Green County FertGreene County N-Ext

Spring is in full swing, but it’s not too late to get your turf established and ready for a season that can throw anything your way. Greene County’s N-Ext line can help get your turf ready for all that Mother Nature has in store. Ideal for heavy rain, N-Ext Air8 Liquid Aeration increases drainage in tightly bound soils. For low-density turf, N-Ext RGS Soil & Plant Formula will help drive roots and get grass standing tall. GreeneCountyFert.com

Huma-IronHuma-Iron by Dr. Jimz

Huma-Iron adds the carbon, humus and trace minerals back into the soil for a higher quality lawn, keeping grass green through fall. Huma-Iron can safely be applied during the extreme heat of the South. Mainstream chemical fertilizer contains high doses of nitrogen that will quickly burn the carbon out of the soil and create problems for lawns. drjimz.com

Plant-tone Organic EspomaEspoma Plant-Tone

The Espoma Company began production in 1929 with an organic fertilizer, a proprietary blend of natural materials available near the company’s location in New Jersey. Today, the natural and organic fertilizer remains a great product ideal for flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs, yielding more blooms with vibrant color, growing larger plants with deeper green foliage, and creating long-lasting, slow-release feeding. espoma.com

Earth Safe OrganicsEarth Safe Organics by Vital Earth

Made from 100 percent natural organic materials, Earth Safe Organics products are specifically designed to meet the needs of the environmentally conscious lawn and garden enthusiast. Organic growing is about building soil through the composting and recycling of waste materials, ensuring a healthier ecosystem and reducing nitrogen inputs near rivers. Apply Bat Guano to gardens, flowers, shrubs, trees and grass for stronger roots, stems and vegetable yields. vitalearth.com

Simplifying Fertilizer

Simplifying Fertilizer

Finding the Right Formula for Your Needs

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